UB loves hearing from our readers. Your comments have a real impact on how and what we cover and we welcome and encourage open, thoughtful discussion. We apply the following Comment Guidelines to help our readers share their thoughts in safe and engaging digital spaces.

UB Comment Guidelines

The University at Buffalo (UB) welcomes contributions to our websites, social media pages and online publications. By submitting or sharing content or commenting on UB’s digital spaces, you consent to these rules. You are solely responsible for your submissions.

UB expects anyone who submits content or engages in discussion on UB online sites/pages to:

  • Be courteous and respectful
  • Refrain from threatening, defaming or verbally abusing others
  • Be on-topic
  • Debate, but don’t attack

UB respects the policies of each social media platform (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) as well as UB’s operational policies. We expect our fans, followers and users to do the same.

Submitted and posted comments and content do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the University at Buffalo.

UB reserves the right, but is not obligated, to remove any content for any reason at any time, and will do so if, in the opinion of account administrators, such content violates UB’s guidelines.

UB prohibits posting, publishing or sharing any content that:

  • violates local/state laws or university rules or policies
  • is intentionally misleading, factually erroneous, or libelous
  • is obscene
  • is discriminatory, harassing or threatening
  • is geared toward directly selling, soliciting, or advertising products/services that are not UB affiliated
  • is pornographic
  • infringes on the confidentiality or privacy of any party

Posts, comments, submissions and other content that violate these standards may be:

  • Removed from the site or page by content or page owner
  • Rejected from publication

Users, fans or followers who violate these standards:

  • May be blocked from future access
  • May lose UB privileges or may be reported to university and municipal law enforcement or supervisory authorities

Need Help?

Report any threat to an individual or group, criminal activity, health or safety issue directly to:

UB University Police

716-645-2222 (24 hrs)

Report any online harassment or similar abuse directly to:

UB Information
Security Office


Last updated: 7-17-15